Have you been trying to eat healthier lately?  Thought about trying one of the new health or diet craze that your favorite celebrity is raving about?  If you are more interested in losing weight in a healthier and more natural way, then these vegetable substitutes are for you.  

Cauliflower Rice

With cauliflower, the options are endless. One of my favorites is cauliflower rice. It is easy to make, and you can either rice the cauliflower in a food processor or buy it riced (i.e. Trader Joe's). Once cooked, the taste and look of cauliflower rice is quite similar to that of normal rice. It is also a lot healthier, and has a lot less carbohydrates and calories.  

Another food you can replace with cauliflower is pizza crust. Cauliflower pizza crust does not take much time at all to make, and tastes quite comparably to the pizza crust you're used to seeing on your delivery. Although a little more difficult to make than rice, the pizza crust is actually less time consuming to make as opposed to the traditional dough, and tastes amazing!  

Zucchini Noodles

Zucchini is one of the best vegetable substitutes, taking the hard task of replacing pasta. Zucchini noodles, otherwise known as "zoodles," are a newer trend, and taste quite similar once cooked and placed in sauce to the real thing. Easy to make at home, yet also available spiraled in the grocery store, there are a must try. A tip: try them with tomato sauce or pesto! 


Every fan of The Office shares a love of beets, and they are now becoming increasingly popular for their version of pasta. Beet noodles are as delicious to eat as they are gorgeous to look at, and are becoming increasingly popular. With a taste a little different to those of Zoodles, they still taste comparable to pasta, while giving a new aesthetic that cannot be ignored.  

Spaghetti Squash

Although an older trend, spaghetti squash is a unique substitute for angel hair pasta. Yielding small strands, this squash is a delicate consistency, tasting great with a butter sauce for a dish like scampi or with pesto sauce. Since the taste of the vegetable is mild, it helps to replicate pasta in absorbing whatever sauce and seasonings it is combined with!  

Lettuce Wraps

A traditional vegetable substitute, lettuce wraps are a crowd pleaser.  You can fill them with anything from grilled veggies, quinoa, or meat, so the options are endless!  A lot healthier and fresh tasting than the normal tortilla or taco shell, these are a great substitute for your annual taco night.  You can also grill your wraps, giving them a great smoky flavor!  

Whatever vegetable substitute you are eating, remember how much more nutritious the choice you are making is for your body.  A single serving (1 cup) of pasta has 213 calories, and many people eat multiple servings in one meal.  Comparably, an entire zucchini is only usually 51 calories.  Next time you make dinner, do your body a favor and eat something significantly healthier!